Monday, 15 August 2011

Projek Khidmat Masyarakat

Citizenship Education at Lyneham Primary School, Australia

In an attempt to create a positive approach to local and global citizenship we introduced our Year 6 students to two projects: Peer Support and supporting a foster child overseas. These two programmes address citizenship through active involvement, and provide a framework for programmes that were already established in the school.

Peer Support trains Year 6 students to lead groups of approximately 12 students from Year 1 to Year 5 in social skills such as making friends, helping and caring for others and coping with peer pressure in a variety of situations. The purpose is to develop understanding, attitudes and skills to live a safe and healthy lifestyle, to realise their own potential and to contribute positively to society. This fits well in the Society and Environment, Health and English Language curriculum areas, and addresses cross-curriculum perspectives of gender equity and multicultural education.

Leaders are trained at two 2 day training camps. We award individual certificates at a special school assembly to reinforce the importance of the training. We invite our Senator attend the ceremony, and talk about her personal experiences and the importance of leadership and responsible citizenship.

Throughout the year pairs of students lead younger groups on a weekly basis from a planned programme. Positive relations are developed across the multi-age environment of the school, and Year 6 leaders become responsible and caring in relation to other students, particularly those in their groups. Feelings of trust and respect are developed, and the self esteem of the students improve considerably. Most noticeable is the way the Year 6 students see their role in a new, positive and purposeful light.

For six years now, students have contributed to the education of Barthelemy, a student at a school in Africa. Barthelemy exchanges letters with our Year 6 students. As well as learning about life in Barthelemy's country, Year 6 students elect a committee to organise the annual fundraising of the $360 sponsorship. This democratically elected committee has often raised almost double the required amount. The students' organisational skills, including the creation and running of smaller committees, have been remarkable. These students are becoming global citizens, caring for and participating in global action to help someone else.